Leadership Team

The leadership team of Culloden and Ardersier Parish Church, of which the Barn is a part, is called the Kirk Session and is made up of nineteen elders and the treasurer. The church is a charity registered in Scotland and the treasurer and elders are trustees of the charity.

Andrew Ramsay

Annabel Mowat

Billy Davis

David Babb

David Reid

David Reid

David Scott

Douglas Wilby

Ian Henry

Issy Freudenthal

Church Manager

01463 798946 admin@barnchurch.org.uk Normal Office Hours: 9am-1pm Monday & Thursday plus other mornings

Jonathan Ball

Jonathan Ball

Laura Clark

Lorna Mason

Lynda Thomson

Martina Gow

Mary Davis

Peter Logie

Richard Mansfield

Sheila Hardie

Val Edwards

Val Edwards

Val Urqhuart

Val Urqhuart