The Barn has a number of ministries which provide help and support.
Prayer triplets are where three people meet (usually once per week) to pray over coffee, while out for a walk, or over whatsapp or zoom. If you would like us to try and find two other people you can form a prayer triplet with please complete this form.
Prayer requests. We would be very happy to pray for you. If you click this link* it will take you to an on-line form where you can submit a prayer request. Your request will then be forwarded confidentially to a small number of people who will pray for you.
Prayer Ministry appointments. You can request that someone pray with you at church after our Sunday services or “in person” over the phone or via Zoom. To request an appointment please click this link.*
Helping out. All that we do requires the help and support of many people. If you would like to volunteer to help out this link will take you to a list of the kinds of tasks that are currently needed and a form* which you can complete to register your interest in getting involved.
*To view our privacy and data protection information please click this link.