The Prayer Course
From 1st September, we are beginning a series exploring prayer, linked to the 24-7 Prayer Movement’s 8 week ‘The Prayer Course’ and to Pete Greig’s book ‘How to Pray: a simple guide for normal people’. The series will follow the prayer given to us by Jesus, known to most of us as The Lord’s Prayer – you can find it in Luke 112-4 and Matthew 6:9-13.
Join us in person or on Zoom. Sunday mornings 10:30
This series will be a bit different as we are embarking upon it as a whole church: the teaching for both younger people (in their groups) and adults will follow the same pattern and there will be an all-age beginning to the services, introducing the theme. Younger people will also be given the challenge of learning the Lord’s Prayer for themselves.
Anyone who wants to dig more deeply will have plenty of opportunity too: from week 2 we will have optional discussion time during tea/coffee after each service, there is a Prayer Course video that can be watched either before or after the service and there are some discussion questions that you might want to use as well. Rather than having a separate meeting, anyone who wants to talk about the day’s theme can bring their cuppa through to the Old Barn and we’ll discuss there. It will be a very informal conversation – perhaps there will be something that’s come up for you during the service, a question that you’d like to pose the group or we can talk about some of the Prayer Course questions.
This series will run until the end of November (since we have a few special services over that time too). Let’s pray that we conclude the series with fresh enthusiasm for prayer as we can consider exciting opportunities for us to spend time in prayer together!