Worship Songs
The worship team is keen to get feedback on songs which are sung during worship services. The songs sung in church last year are listed below. If there are any new hymns or worship songs that you would like to suggest, or would like us to sing more often please click this button and it will take you to to a from which can be used to submit requests.
1 January to 31 December 2021 | |
Worship Song | Times sung |
10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) | 3 |
Abide With Me | 1 |
Above All | 1 |
All People That On Earth Do Dwell | 1 |
All Who Are Thirsty | 1 |
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) | 2 |
And Can It Be | 2 |
Angels From The Realms Of Glory | 2 |
At The Name Of Jesus | 1 |
Away In A Manger | 1 |
Be Thou My Vision | 1 |
Beautiful (I see Your Face) | 1 |
Beautiful One (Wonderful so wonderful) | 1 |
Because He Lives (God Sent His Son) | 1 |
Before You I Kneel | 1 |
Beneath The Cross | 1 |
Blessed Assurance | 2 |
Blessed Be Your Name | 2 |
Breathe On Me Breath Of God | 1 |
Build Your Kingdom Here | 2 |
Christ Triumphant Ever Reigning | 1 |
Come As You Are | 1 |
Come People Of The Risen King | 1 |
Crown Him With Many Crowns | 2 |
Days Of Elijah | 1 |
Endless Alleluia | 2 |
Everlasting God (Strength Will Rise) | 1 |
Faithful One | 1 |
Give Thanks | 4 |
Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken | 1 |
Go Tell It On The Mountain | 1 |
God Save The Queen (National Anthem) | 1 |
Good Good Father | 4 |
Goodness Of God | 4 |
Great Is The Lord | 1 |
Greater | 1 |
Guardian | 3 |
Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) | 1 |
Happy Day | 1 |
Hark The Herald Angels Sing / King Of Heaven | 1 |
He Is Exalted | 1 |
Here For You (Let our praise be Your welcome) | 1 |
Here I Am To Worship (Light of the world) | 2 |
Here Is Love | 2 |
Holy Holy (Lift up His Name) | 3 |
Holy Holy Holy (Nicaea) | 1 |
Holy Is The Lord (We Stand and Lift up Our Hands) | 1 |
Holy Spirit | 1 |
Hosanna | 1 |
Hosanna (I see the King of Glory) | 1 |
Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) | 2 |
How Deep The Father’s Love For Us | 1 |
How Great Is Our God (The splendour of the King) | 1 |
How Great Thou Art | 3 |
I Give You My Heart | 1 |
I Need You More | 1 |
I Stand Amazed | 1 |
I Will Offer Up My Life | 3 |
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story | 1 |
If Ever I Should Falter | 1 |
Immanuel (From the squalor of a borrowed stable) | 2 |
Immortal Invisible | 1 |
In Christ Alone | 1 |
In The Bleak Midwinter | 1 |
Jesus All For Jesus | 2 |
Jesus Is The Name We Honour | 1 |
Jesus Joy Of The Highest Heaven | 1 |
Jesus Paid It All | 2 |
Joy To The World | 1 |
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee | 1 |
King Of Kings Majesty | 1 |
King Of My Heart | 1 |
Living Hope | 1 |
Lord I Lift Your Name On High | 2 |
Lord Reign In Me | 1 |
Love Incarnate (With a prayer You fed the hungry) | 1 |
Made Me Glad | 1 |
Majesty (Here I am) | 1 |
Mighty To Save (Everyone needs compassion) | 1 |
Nothing But The Blood (Plainfield) | 1 |
O Come All Ye Faithful | 2 |
O Come Let Us Adore Him | 1 |
O Come O Come Emmanuel | 1 |
O Praise The Name (Anástasis) | 3 |
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) | 2 |
Once Again (Jesus Christ I think upon Your sacrifice) | 1 |
Once In Royal David’s City | 1 |
One Thing Remains (Higher than the mountains that I face) | 1 |
Our Father | 1 |
Our God (Water You Turned Into Wine) | 1 |
Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven | 1 |
Psalm 23 (The Lord’s my Shepherd, I will trust in You alone) | 2 |
Raise A Hallelujah | 2 |
Reckless Love | 2 |
Resurrection Hymn | 1 |
Revelation Song | 1 |
Saviour Of The World (God so loved that He gave his Son) | 1 |
See Him Lying On A Bed Of Straw (Calypso Carol) | 1 |
See in Yonder Manger Low | 1 |
Shout To The Lord (My Jesus my Saviour) | 1 |
Silent Night | 1 |
Tell Out My Soul (Woodlands) | 1 |
The Blessing | 5 |
The Heart Of Worship | 2 |
The Lion And The Lamb | 1 |
The Power Of Your Love | 2 |
The River | 1 |
The Servant King | 1 |
There Is Power In The Blood (Power In The Blood) | 1 |
There Is Power In The Name Of Jesus | 1 |
Thine Be The Glory (Maccabaeus) | 1 |
This I Believe | 5 |
Through Your Precious Blood | 1 |
Trust And Obey | 1 |
Way Maker | 2 |
We Three Kings Of Orient Are | 1 |
What A Beautiful Name (You Were the Word at the Beginning) | 2 |
What A Friend We Have In Jesus | 2 |
While Shepherds Watched | 1 |
Who You Say I Am | 1 |
Worthy Of It All | 3 |
Ye Servants Of God | 1 |
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me | 3 |